Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surprise!!! - Happy 50th Anniversary!!

Yesterday was Fred & Alice's Surprise 50th Anniversary Party! Thanks to The Wonderful planning between Brian and I, and his brother Bill and his wonderful wife Linda, we pulled it off perfectly!! They were truely surprised, and seemed to have a great time with all their friends and family!

Speaking of family - here I am with my two beautiful girls!

The Family that was created!! Fred and Alice with 3 of their boys... Bill, Brian and Fred

The Happy Couple

OK - so now it comes time for "The bride cuts the cake"... watch the progression in the pictures below....

All cleaned up and wearing the shirts Billy and Linda had made for them with their wedding picture on them.
Billy created a slide show with pics from their entire life together and it was great fun to watch.
Thanks to everyone for a great day and all you did to make the day special!!

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