Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Last Hoorah Before School Starts!

Our Last Hoorah Weekend Getway turned out to be a great time! Brian and I and ALL the kids packed up the ol' suburban and headed North!

1st Stop - Saratoga Raceway - Didn't win any money (lost some in fact), but the kids tent was fun!

Giddy Up!!

Next day we headed to Adirondack Animal Land. We went Last year with Kaelyn & Maddie and had such a great time, we wanted to go back!! This year was a LOT Soggier (it rained the whole time, but we made the best of it!) Turned out to be a real fun day!

Kaelyn was in the potty - we didn't lose her!

Seeking refuge from the rain inside a teepee.

Brian!! - You Two Timer!!

After the zoo, we headed to the cabin - and down to Lake Gerry for a swim. Guess who opted NOT to go in the water..........that's right, the smart one with the camera.

4 of the 5 brave souls... Jenna was still on shore.. - They're Goin In

Can you say "FREEEEEZING"

Bubble Blowing in your bathing suit is so much more fun!!

After a charcoal grilled hamburger and hotdog dinner, Smokey the Bear decided to start a fire so we could do some good old fashioned marshmallow roasting!

Can you Say "SMORES" Yum-O!

That was the general re-cap of the weekend. Hoping for better weather next year, but looking forward to the trip again!!

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