Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dentist - Round II

So Last Wednesday was Dentist Round II - Kaelyn had to have a tooth pulled and some little cavaties filled - Maddie went for her cleaning!

Grandma went for moral support (for me, not the kids.. Thanks Grandma!!)

X-Ray Time

Kaelyn's poor swollen face after the "extraction"

her war wound

After the dentist Maddie had a Dr. appointment to try to find the reason for her recent bout of headaches.... he sent us for a Lyme test. Uh OH.... Blood work!!
Our friend Candy is a Phlebotomist and so she drew the blood for us (so nice to know the lady holding the needle loves you!). I had a lyme test done at the same time, as I have been having similiar symptoms for a while now (Brian thinks I am a hypochondriac, so we'll see...).
For her first time having blood drawn, Maddie was a trooper!
Here we are with our viles....

And of course, Mommy & Maddie's War Wounds

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