Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grandma Steele Breakfast

Breakfast is not the easiest meal in the Yearwood/Schloicka house. The girls get sick of cereal and I don't buy the processed sugar breakfasts like Pop-Tarts... Time slips away from us very quickly and I try to come up with things with some nutritional value that will interest Kaelyn & Maddie.

This morning was Grandma Steele's Famous Celery & Cream Cheese (except I had to cut the celery into little pieces instead of having them long with like 2 or 3 olives on each, because neither of the girls have all thier teeth to bite it with!! haha). We've got vegetables, dairy and i have no idea what category olives fall into. But we washed it all down with some pineapple juice.....

Is that normal? Cause they devoured it!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surprise!!! - Happy 50th Anniversary!!

Yesterday was Fred & Alice's Surprise 50th Anniversary Party! Thanks to The Wonderful planning between Brian and I, and his brother Bill and his wonderful wife Linda, we pulled it off perfectly!! They were truely surprised, and seemed to have a great time with all their friends and family!

Speaking of family - here I am with my two beautiful girls!

The Family that was created!! Fred and Alice with 3 of their boys... Bill, Brian and Fred

The Happy Couple

OK - so now it comes time for "The bride cuts the cake"... watch the progression in the pictures below....

All cleaned up and wearing the shirts Billy and Linda had made for them with their wedding picture on them.
Billy created a slide show with pics from their entire life together and it was great fun to watch.
Thanks to everyone for a great day and all you did to make the day special!!

Glad I had my camera on me!

While out yard saling - we drove past a seedy strip club in down town Middletown.
This was on a car parked in front of it at 8:30am Saturday morning........

Dentist - Round II

So Last Wednesday was Dentist Round II - Kaelyn had to have a tooth pulled and some little cavaties filled - Maddie went for her cleaning!

Grandma went for moral support (for me, not the kids.. Thanks Grandma!!)

X-Ray Time

Kaelyn's poor swollen face after the "extraction"

her war wound

After the dentist Maddie had a Dr. appointment to try to find the reason for her recent bout of headaches.... he sent us for a Lyme test. Uh OH.... Blood work!!
Our friend Candy is a Phlebotomist and so she drew the blood for us (so nice to know the lady holding the needle loves you!). I had a lyme test done at the same time, as I have been having similiar symptoms for a while now (Brian thinks I am a hypochondriac, so we'll see...).
For her first time having blood drawn, Maddie was a trooper!
Here we are with our viles....

And of course, Mommy & Maddie's War Wounds

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

United States Navy - USS Norris

For all of you who didn't know - My father in Law, Fred, was a Navy Man!! He just recently had his annual Navy reunion and I took these pics from his camera to share with everyone. Here is the link to the ship's site for more information if anyone is interested. http://ussnorris.homestead.com/

These are the shirts he brought back for Kaelyn & Maddie

50 Years!!!

On September 12 (maddie's birthday) My wonderful In-Laws celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary! What an amazing couple!

For their anniversary, they traveled to Niagra Falls where they had their honeymoon! After 50 years they still jumped at the chance to pose on "kissing rock"!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Soooooo......... My wonderful Husband/Yard Sale Partner in Crime, Brian and I went out Treasure Hunting last Saturday. It was Maddie's birthday and we set off in search for the perfect gift (nothing like last minute, right?). I flat out refuse to go buy something retail, just for the sake of having a present to give.... I just knew the perfect gift would find us that morning! We went to a church sale in which different families brought their own stuff to sell, kind of like a flea market. One lady had a box with "MAKE AN OFFER" written on it... In the box was a HP laptop. I asked the lady if it worked and she didn't know - just said it was her granddaughters and she said get whatever you can for it. My mom had told me to keep an eye out for a broken laptop for display purposes, so I figured for the right price...... When I asked how much, the lady said "how does $2 sound". I said "SOUNDS PERFECT". Brought it home and it fired right up! Windows XP and the internet are already installed!!! Sorry Mom, your broken display laptop just became Maddie's Perfect Birthday Gift!!! FYI - Also Scored a 14K white Gold Cross Pendant for $1 at the same sale!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Let's go Pine Bush, Let's Go!

Today was Pine Bush VS. Warwick - Oh the conflict, as a former Wildcat, who do I root for??? Of course Pine Bush won out - they have some cute cheerleaders!!

All decked out in our PB Attire!

The girl's cousin Lane came out to help cheer on Pine Bush - is he a cutie or what??!!

First the Mighty Mights Played and Won!!

Then it was division One's Turn, they didn't have as good an outcome, but the cheerleaders kicked butt!!!

Maddie's One Request

Maddie's One Birthday request was BREAKFAST IN BED. So Sunday morning before cheerleading, Brian and I got up and made the princess breakfast. Complete with Tiara and Bell (so she could ring it and get my attention if she needed something), nice touch Grandma, thanks for the help!

This is how her tray was presented to her.... her requested meal was scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with butter and hot cocoa.

She is RED-E!!!!

The princess dons her crown.

Of course the big sister gets treated like royalty too.... same meal, not as fancy on the presentation. mmmm bacon!

Wouldn't we all love this? Maddie said this will be an every year birthday tradition!!

Maddie's Birthday..... A LONG day!

Maddie's 7th Birthday started off with a trip to the Oh So Loved - Chuck E. Cheese

After Chuck E. Cheese we went home to relax a bit and so the girls could see their new room - they Loved it!!!

Next stop.... BY & Jenna joined us for Maddie's birthday at her favorite place - Cheeseburger in Paradise... she had her celebratory Pina Colada and was in her glory!

For anyone wondering if 7 was going to be the year that Maddie could eat ribs without totally wearing them - um, the answer is NO. Maybe 8!

After Paradise, it was back home for Cake and Candles!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Preparing For Maddie's Birthday....... Shoot Me!!

So.... For Maddie's birthday this year, she decided she wanted breakfast in bed. A normal request for any 7 year old, right? Well, in order to prepare for breakfast in bed, we had to do a major overhaul in their room. Two little girls with way too much stuff make for a very messy room. We brought in the new trundle bed and made a bookshelf into a head board to case the 1000 books they just got yard saling at Amy's last weekend. We hung up their street signs and Dry Erase boards and did a major cleaning. Below are some pics, enjoy them now, cause how long it will stay like this is a mystery.


HA HA HA HA HA - Gotta Love That!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1st Day of School

First Day of school went off without a hitch! Both Kids liked their teachers and are going back tomorrow! Maddie's even going to BUY lunch tomorrow - boy my little girl is growing up.....

Is it possible I am the mother of 4th and 2nd graders?? How did that happen?????

Kaelyn at the Dentist

Kaelyn's first official trip to the dentist went well.... with great apprehension her pathetically whimpy mother finally got her there and she was AWESOME!

Flouride anyone??

Maddie went for moral support, and to check it out - her appointment is next week!

All Smiles!