Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Working on a New Me!

Ok, so two weeks ago I joined weight watchers in the hopes that I can slim myself down a bit. So far the sucess has been quick and great - 6.2lbs in 2 weeks. I have finally realized that no matter how well I eat, if I don't add exercise into the mix, I will get nowhere. So Kaelyn, Maddie and I joined the YMCA. (Brian, BY and Jenna are joined also, but the young ones I can MAKE come with me - suckas!). So tonight is my first class and I chose "boot camp". My ever supportive sister warned me "you might die". So if this is my last post, you know I couldn't handle it.
I figured if I post about my sucess/failure I will be accountable to all who read so it might help keep me motivated.... WISH ME LUCK!

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