Friday, April 23, 2010


Just came from my weight watchers meeting - down 2 lbs. Even after pigging out and not exercising at Amy's this past weekend. Good thing for my treadmill!!! That is a total of 9.6lbs - that is equivilent to about 39 sticks of butter!!!!!! GROSS

Gotta Love FREE on Craigslist

so we had this disgusting old refrigerator rotting on our back yard since last fall - waiting for a trip to the dump, but with no pick-up truck, how do we get it there? So finally last night I came up with a genius idea! I posted this ad on Craigslist:

Will throw in $10 for gas if you come get this scrap metal refrigerator. It's already outside for easy loading. Located in the village of bloomingburg, easy on/off rt 17 robyn 845-544-4831 please only contact me if you actually intend on coming to get it! Thanks


Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Weigh-In Day

Weekly weigh in results.......... down 1.4lbs!
cheering*clapping*patting myself on the back!!
Now my 9 month pregnant sister and I both have about 30lbs to lose..... for some reason I think her journey will be a little easier BUT I'll be sleeping through the night! ahhhhhh

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boot Camp Workout

I WHIMPED OUT!! I got scared I wouldn't be able to handle it, so I opted for a 20 minute warm up walk and then and hour "cardio caliente" (that means hot in spanish for anyone who needs a translation). It was an intense latin music dance and cardio work out, similiar to zumba. One thing I knew and was confirmed..... I HAVE NO RHYTHM!! But everyone was very kind, and I still got a great workout! OUCHIE! Will see if it pays off come Friday weigh in.... keep posted!

Working on a New Me!

Ok, so two weeks ago I joined weight watchers in the hopes that I can slim myself down a bit. So far the sucess has been quick and great - 6.2lbs in 2 weeks. I have finally realized that no matter how well I eat, if I don't add exercise into the mix, I will get nowhere. So Kaelyn, Maddie and I joined the YMCA. (Brian, BY and Jenna are joined also, but the young ones I can MAKE come with me - suckas!). So tonight is my first class and I chose "boot camp". My ever supportive sister warned me "you might die". So if this is my last post, you know I couldn't handle it.
I figured if I post about my sucess/failure I will be accountable to all who read so it might help keep me motivated.... WISH ME LUCK!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The season is back! Thank God

Well, the season of buying and selling is back in full swing. Winter is really slow, and it's slim pickin's out there. This time of year people are spring cleaning and having yard sales. Latest hot find was this porcelain cat. Paid $5 and sold it for $60 - Mewow!!!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter from the Best Step-Father Ever

So the girls have been asking Brian to build them a bunk bed for the babies they got for Christmas... what better day than 75 degree Easter Sunday!

This was Brian's new toy he finally got to use, thanks girls!!

"I love my new toy" with a little giggle after it!

ta da!! Isn't it beautiful??!!

Grandma Robyn put the girls to sleep in their new bed

Nite Nite Emma

Nite Nite Elizabeth