Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snowman Diorama Project

Well.... Pine Bush School District seem to think parents don't have enough to do at this busy time of year - so Kaelyn came home with her latest project... "Make a diorama of a snowman looking into a window - what does he see". So off we go to our beloved dollar store and we actually had a really fun time putting it together. With help from Mom and Maddie - Kaelyn might just have the best in the class (if I do say so myself). The little Christmas tree even lights up! How cute! She even made stockings to hang from the fireplace. Real wallpaper is on the walls and even a cozy rug in front of the fire! OH and look at all the presents neatly wrapped under the tree!! The "window" slides in and out so Kaelyn can turn the tree on and off! Fun Fun Fun - too bad all the projects weren't like this!

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