Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Magical Christmas

Christmas morning Brian, the girls and I met my parents at Grandma O's new home in Elant in Newburgh. We dropped off a gift, said Merry Christmas to her and the girls showed off their new gifts they got. Then we hopped in the car and headed to CT to see Amy and John. I did not take any pics at Amy's - she takes care of that! Our best gift of the year was our big news we got - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! I will have a niece!! (Brian is still holding out hope that the Dr's are wrong.)

Divot loved his new toy

Merry Christmas Fred - Keep Warm!

2009 was a wonderful Christmas!!! Kaelyn and Maddie each got their much desired Ipod Touch. Brian got Xbox 360, Jenna got a great new digital camera, BY got a Netflix year subscription and I got the most amazing, heartfelt, handmade with love coupon book.......

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