Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can You Save A Life??

I am not a doctor who can perform life saving surgery, I am not a scientist who can find cures, I am not an EMT who's quick actions at a accident make all the difference in the world, I am not a nurse who can heal wounds. I am just a mom, a normal person.......... but I may have saved a life yesterday..... I donated blood. It's a simple thing that most anyone can do, and it really does save lives.... 30 minutes out of your day is worth saving someone's mother, father, or child! Please consider it!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Magical Christmas

Christmas morning Brian, the girls and I met my parents at Grandma O's new home in Elant in Newburgh. We dropped off a gift, said Merry Christmas to her and the girls showed off their new gifts they got. Then we hopped in the car and headed to CT to see Amy and John. I did not take any pics at Amy's - she takes care of that! Our best gift of the year was our big news we got - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! I will have a niece!! (Brian is still holding out hope that the Dr's are wrong.)

Divot loved his new toy

Merry Christmas Fred - Keep Warm!

2009 was a wonderful Christmas!!! Kaelyn and Maddie each got their much desired Ipod Touch. Brian got Xbox 360, Jenna got a great new digital camera, BY got a Netflix year subscription and I got the most amazing, heartfelt, handmade with love coupon book.......

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Teachers Really Do That??????

Maddie just came home, Proud as a Peacock, wearing her new scarf.... THAT HER TEACHER MADE HER!!!! Her teacher apparantly made one for every student!! Wow!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snowman Diorama Project

Well.... Pine Bush School District seem to think parents don't have enough to do at this busy time of year - so Kaelyn came home with her latest project... "Make a diorama of a snowman looking into a window - what does he see". So off we go to our beloved dollar store and we actually had a really fun time putting it together. With help from Mom and Maddie - Kaelyn might just have the best in the class (if I do say so myself). The little Christmas tree even lights up! How cute! She even made stockings to hang from the fireplace. Real wallpaper is on the walls and even a cozy rug in front of the fire! OH and look at all the presents neatly wrapped under the tree!! The "window" slides in and out so Kaelyn can turn the tree on and off! Fun Fun Fun - too bad all the projects weren't like this!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vermont Getaway!

This past weekend was our first trip to VT as a family. Amy and John go every year and this year they invited us to join them......

Morning 1 - no snow in sight - so much for our winter wonderland getaway and sleigh rides!
We took a nice drive Saturday morning to see what Brattleboro had in store for us - the answer was NOTHING! Other than a cheese factory... but we stopped along the road for a photo op.
Saturday turned into our winter wonderland - I think Brian saw 3 snowflakes drop and he said "can we go outside and play not" so we got suited up and headed outside!

You know how cold it is to get snow in the face?? - Kaelyn does!
We stayed in Saturday night due to the storm - Sunday was a lazy day of football and arts & crafts. Sunday night we went out candlestick bowling and to the arcade! Fun! BTW - 1 guess who won POP-A-SHOT?? That's right - Robyn Renee - Thank you very much!

Team Guadagno (John Won with a score of 82)
Maddie at Pop-A-Shot

Big Game Hunter - I didn't really play, I just posed for the pic!
We stopped at the store to pick up some more supplies for "SMORES INDOORS" as Kaelyn named it. Look at the size of the hershey bar B.Y. is holding then look at the same bar in Maddie's arms! FUNNY!
After Dropping off B.Y. an Jenna at home we stopped and picked out our Christmas Tree and of course posed for some more pics!

All in All - A fun trip, a nice weekend, a great family!!