Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is a Wigwam Anyway?

It's 4th grade project time!! This year Kaelyn had to make a model of an algonquin wigwam. What the hell is a wigwam?? I know teepee, but not wigwam! Well I am told it is the same idea as a teepee but not pointed and is often made of fur, leather and twigs. Below is our final project! Wigwam complete with firepit, garden and stream with fish! I fell an "A" coming on!

It's all about presentation - isn't that what they say? Well, how cute are these two little girls proudly holding the finished product!

1 comment:

  1. The girls look adorable w/ their hair straightened. And I love love love the fall boots! They are makin Czoczi very proud!!!

    Now, the project itself I feel could have been a teeny bit better. What ever happened to making a real garden with like cut grass from the lawn & then using vegetable stickers or something?? And the stream....hmm..a creative mom would have thought to use tin foil so it was shiny...or color it blue & then put saran wrap over it so it was clear & shiny.
    I think I'd have to give Kaelyn an A for the finished product & I would have to give Robyn a B- for non-creativity from the adult.

    : )
    Now tell me you love me.
