Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mommy & Bri-Bri

My wonderful girls wanted to make sure they gave Brian and I our anniversary cards tonight, because they won't see us tomorrow night (date night for our anniversary).

Kaelyn's front Cover

Inside side 1

Inside side 2

Maddie - Front of card!

Inside - notice the "green" how cute is she? She wanted to know if it would be enough for our dinner?


Faker Faker!!

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of having Miss Ava Grace hang out with me!! I went and picked her up and she came to Maddie & Kaelyn's games with me and then we all went back to Jeanette's for Dinner.
I am a bit biased, but I have to say, she is so damn cute!!!! On the way home she played her "I'm tired, can I have my binky and take a nap" (she knows she is ONLY allowed to have the binky if she is going to sleep!! Well fakey fakey only lasted so long, before we knew it she was OUT!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is a Wigwam Anyway?

It's 4th grade project time!! This year Kaelyn had to make a model of an algonquin wigwam. What the hell is a wigwam?? I know teepee, but not wigwam! Well I am told it is the same idea as a teepee but not pointed and is often made of fur, leather and twigs. Below is our final project! Wigwam complete with firepit, garden and stream with fish! I fell an "A" coming on!

It's all about presentation - isn't that what they say? Well, how cute are these two little girls proudly holding the finished product!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Does Anyone ELSE see the Resemblance?

Sooo, the other day, the girls and I are driving around and we went past Maples Farm. They have a nice fall display out and this strangely familiar looking scarecrow! I half screamed at the girls "DOESN'T THAT LOOK LIKE GRANDPA?". This is my dad's usual work attire, khaki jacket, black glove and baseball type cap. The winter weather is upon us now, so dad has upgraded to the warmer clothing, but I just had to do a comparison shot for you all to enjoy!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


So.... last night we were sitting quietly on the couch watching the Yankees kick some Twins Butt!!! When all of the sudden.... CRASH! Brian we outside to see what it was, and there in the middle of the road was a huge branch off the tree in front of our house. Some passerby stopped to help Brian pull it out of the road ( I love strong men, well.. mine was strong at least!). The guy said it fell right in front of a car driving down the road! Scarey.. right?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


We had a little critter visitor at work yesterday... .he was about 4 or 5 inches long. Either he escaped his man eating mate OR it was a female!!!