Friday, June 24, 2011

Maddie's 1st "broken" bone

Friday June 17 after getting to work 2 hours late because of Kaelyn's graduation.... I got a phone call at 1pm (1 hour 45 minutes after getting to work) from the school nurse saying Maddie was injured in gym, and maybe you should take her for xrays. So off to the ER we went.

In the triage room Maddie politley told the nurse she belived it was sprained and not broken... the nurse appreciated her medical opinion.

Rainy came to sit with us.... the nurse in her couldn't let Maddie be at the ER without her! (plus she really likes us)

Yup! Sure looks swollen!

The outcome was "treated as a fracture, follow up with Ortho". A soft cast for 10 days and out we went.


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