Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Marnie Weekend!!!

so, this weekend Amy and John went into NYC for a little getaway... and we got our little Miss Marnie for the weekend. OMG has this kid changed. She is into everything, so curious and wants to move constantly. Needless to say I am exhausted, but Amy said if I didn't take pictures I could not have her baby again... so here they are....
We are started out meeting at the mall, 1st stop... a ride. she was unimpressed!

Then off to Johnny Rockets for some lunch and entertainment. Good lunch, crappy entertainment. Except looking across the table at these cuties.

Then Uncle Brian treated Marnie to a Pillow Pet - K & M have them, so marnie needed one too!

Now let me tell you, Miss M is not feeling well, she is getting a tooth and had a runny nose... does this look like a little girl who wants her picture taken?

12am and everyone is exhaused, Lord Help Us!

Sunday morning we went to Alice & Fred's for breakfast! Yummy!! Alice and Fred got their baby time in.......

Of course Kaelyn couldn't keep her hands off her.

this was Maddie keeping her happy while the grown ups played cards. Thanks Mad

Uncle Freddie seemed to enjoy that baby too!

Cute Sick Tired Baby!

Marnie playing her first hand of May I. Gotta start her young.

Monday Morning - Breakfast before school.

Now look at this crazy idea... A PLAYPEN What a concept.

After a 2 hour and 10 minute nap this morning, she seems to be back to normal. Going home to Mommy and Daddy tonight.... everyone will be happy!
Love you Marnie!

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