Monday, October 31, 2011

October Snow

This sleigh riding hill that came with our house was worth EVERY penny we spent!!
We never thought we would be using it before Halloween!!!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day Of School

Kaelyn Started 6th Grade Today - THE MIDDLE SCHOOL. We were up at 5:30am and she was dressed and ready to go on time! Good Start Big Girl!!! (notice it's still dark out for the pictures)

Kaelyn Left before Maddie was up - so she left her a note!

Maddie Started 4th Grade today - First Year without her big sister by her side!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend Get Away

This past weekend we took a trip up to the cabin for a weekend Getaway - here's the great part.... Mom and Dad joined us!
Friday was just a day to kick back and relax. Here are Brian, Kaelyn and Maddie enjoying the bubbles.

And Dad enjoying a little cat nap

This is the view from the little make-shift "beach" at the lake by our cabin.

Brian, Kaelyn & Maddie enjoying the water.

Bathing Beauties (sorry it's so dark)

Lorraine & Maddie playing Rummikub

Our 2 hour long campfire (thanks for the fantastic fire wood Dad!)


We even played a little game of "Let's Make A Deal" with Mom to see how many things she could come up with in her purse... it was impressive.

Ice Cream for Dinner at Hoppies!!


In the morning we went to the VA Hall for breakfast. Look at the hot rod someone drove to breakfast! Dad loves this place!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who's Idea was this??

I had a great Idea!!! Let's call Amy and tell her I want to take a few days off work to spend with Marnie...... she actually said yes! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?
Doesn't this picture say it all??!!???

She has tried to park her butt in every basket in my house! Even ones that are obviously too small, which never ends pretty!

she harasses the kitties, all I could get on camera was her chasing the cats. None of them ever stood still long enough to take a picture!

I very rare quiet moment with the three girls just chilling on Kaelyn's new bed.
And last but not least, one of the few ways we found to cage this wild beast!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Projects For The New House

Home Decorating Projects have been underway at the Yearwood House.
Kaelyn made a headboard for her room (yes, she painted it by herself) to match her zebra theme she has going on.

Creative, No?

And the project for Maddie's room was her desk. After painting it the top was warped and the veneer was not great, so we made a "placemat" to cover the top and Grandpa O got us some plexi-glass - how stinkin cute!

Aerial View

Friday, June 24, 2011

Brian's Maine Trip

Brian had his annual Maine Golf Trip last week and although we were very busy while he was gone, the girls and I really missed him. He came home on Father's Day, so we had some special surprises waiting when he got home. B.Y & Jenna came over and we all played a game of "cornhole" outside together. It was a nice day and we are really glad our BRi BRI is home.

Maddie's 1st "broken" bone

Friday June 17 after getting to work 2 hours late because of Kaelyn's graduation.... I got a phone call at 1pm (1 hour 45 minutes after getting to work) from the school nurse saying Maddie was injured in gym, and maybe you should take her for xrays. So off to the ER we went.

In the triage room Maddie politley told the nurse she belived it was sprained and not broken... the nurse appreciated her medical opinion.

Rainy came to sit with us.... the nurse in her couldn't let Maddie be at the ER without her! (plus she really likes us)

Yup! Sure looks swollen!

The outcome was "treated as a fracture, follow up with Ortho". A soft cast for 10 days and out we went.



On Friday, June 17th Kaelyn had her "Moving Up Ceremony". This is a full-fledged graduation ceremony honoring the kids graduating from the Elementary school to the Middle school. They had guest speakers and awards (Kaelyn won 3 out of 5 possible) and they even had to walk up and receive their dipoloma! So sweet. Many family members couldn't make it, so I video taped it so we can all watch together at a party this weekend.

Look at that pretty girl!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fun at our New Home!

We are happy to report we are finally starting to feel settled in the new home. The girls are loving life, and really taking advantage of the private outdoors we have now. Yesterday I surprised them with water balloons... They played outside for hours with them.

Monday, June 6, 2011


This weekend Kaelyn was one of a select few children from her school who was asked to perform at NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association). The students were to play their instruments for judges who would critique them on a scale of 0-28, 28 being the best.
KAELYN GOT A PERFECT SCORE! We are very proud of her.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Saturday we went to the Otterbeins for Easter! The girls decorated some eggs, so festive. Everyone joined in (to an extent). Marnie was only allowed to watch and play with a plastic egg, next year Marn!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I think this means it's official!

This is the sign in front of our new house!

SOLD! What a beautiful word!!