Sunday, August 8, 2010


Last week was our summer vacation. Brian and I started it off with a overnight stay at the cabin upstate, we stopped at our favorite little diner on the way and Brian ordered the Monster Burger. I wouldn't normally waste your time telling you about our meal, but this burger was ridiculous!! It consisted of (in stacking order) grilled cheese sandwich, large beef patty, cheese, bacon, fried egg, lettuce, tomatoe and topped off with another grilled cheese sandwich. WOW!! and YES, he finished every bite!

Then we came home got the girls and headed to PA for a week away from home. First day trip was Penn's Caves. We took a boat tour through the caves and it came out onto beautiful Lake Nittney and then back through the caves, we got the routine tour.. you know stalagmites, stalagtites, colums, oxide.. blah blah blah. Fantastic Tour! Then we took a boat tour around the animal farm/sanctuary and saw bears, tons of huge deer and elk. Again, blah blah blah, a bear here a deer here, general animal farm stuff.
Here we are at the mouth of the cave. Maddie Hated it!

Next day my wonderful husband got up to make a full on breakfast... eggs, french toast, bacon.. Well, let me put it this way, we wound up with bacon and buttered toast. The condo we stayed out had a pathetically stocked kitchen and one frying pan and a bent spatula - no breakfast was to be made all week! Thanks for trying honey!

Wednesday was Hershey Park. Fun, but really overpriced! They should be ashamed of themselves, I don't think Mr. Hershey intended his park to be a rip-off like it has turned in to.
The girls volunteered to participate in a recyling show -

You would never know this was a kiddie ride by their faces, looks like its a real thriller, doesn't it!

Then Thursday we went to the World's largest General Store where the girls happened to run into President Obama.

Maddie wasn't thrilled - she voted for McCain!

Then Friday was the Sussex County Fair!

Fun Fun Fun - She was really up there!

All in all, a nice vacation. But I sure did enjoy my day of no children today..... Brian watched sports all day, and I went grocery shopping and listed some stuff on eBay... Ahhh, back to normal.

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