Monday, June 14, 2010

Field Trip

Maddie had her 2nd grade field trip to Claws & Paws zoo today. let me back-track a little and inform you that when the "chaperone" topic came up, she rushed home and asked "Bri-Bri" if he would go with her (I'm told he is "funner" than me). He graciously agreed, and even agreed to wear a tie-die shirt Maddie made for him. She made one for her that said "I'm with Bri-Bri" and one for him that said "I'm with Mad-Mad". Is he a fantastic man or what??!!??? I LOVE HIM!

do you all see the smile on my little girl's face..........

At the zoo.

These 4 girls were in Brian's group. He took them all to the gift shop and gave them $3 to spend. Did I mention I LOVE HIM???!!???????!!!

Maddie had a GREAT day!

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