Friday, June 18, 2010

Aunt Robyn SPLURGED!

OK, so we all know how "thrifty" I can be when it comes to shopping. Well today I SPLURGED! My adorable little niece just HAD to have these articles of clothing I came across!!!

Ralph Lauren Polo Dress and Gymboree Shoes

Ralph Lauren Lilac Linen Dress with Belt

Look how sweet this is....

Baby Gap pink/green polka dot shoes

TOTAL INVESTMENT - $7 .... I am such a good aunt!

Guess What I have

A bulls eye!!!

Have this disgusting red mark 13 x 5cm across the back of my leg behind my knee. Have been having wierd muscle/joint pain, headaches, fatigue (none of which are really odd for me). But this mark never turned to a bruise or went away, so I went to the doctor yesterday. She started me on antibiotics and we will wait for blood work. But Hypochondriach me has been saying for a week that I am dying of lyme disease...
Wanna take bets on the results??? you know my guess

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Sad Farewell

It is with great sadness, that I will post the news that we have lost the Patriarch of the Yearwood Family. Grandpa Bill passed away on Saturday at the ripe old age of 94. A veteran of 3 wars, and member of countless military/service organizations, he was a wonderful man with a contagious smile that will be missed by us all!!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Field Trip

Maddie had her 2nd grade field trip to Claws & Paws zoo today. let me back-track a little and inform you that when the "chaperone" topic came up, she rushed home and asked "Bri-Bri" if he would go with her (I'm told he is "funner" than me). He graciously agreed, and even agreed to wear a tie-die shirt Maddie made for him. She made one for her that said "I'm with Bri-Bri" and one for him that said "I'm with Mad-Mad". Is he a fantastic man or what??!!??? I LOVE HIM!

do you all see the smile on my little girl's face..........

At the zoo.

These 4 girls were in Brian's group. He took them all to the gift shop and gave them $3 to spend. Did I mention I LOVE HIM???!!???????!!!

Maddie had a GREAT day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A fabulous Day At The Nauwens House

On Saturday Brian and I put together our new shed. 6 hours start to finish and we still loved each other when we were done - MIRACLE!! I swear divorce attorneys write those instruction manuals!!

So after a long day, we couldn't wait to get to Jeanette's on Sunday for a day of relaxation!

Bathing beauties!

Lars and Tylar Enjoying the Pool (and each other)

Bri-Bri and Mad-Mad in a gun fight!

Little Miss Ava Grace enjoying her 1-2-3-4 Cake

The bathing ritual at the Nauwens hot tub - hair washing and shaving cream fun!

Ava Got Jeanette and thought it was FANTASTIC

Does this look like fun or what?

Riley TRIED to stay out of it but Jeanette got her!

Then after a yummy dinner we went up to Sunset Ridge
As Jim likes to refer to it "The Scene Of The Crime" because that is where Brian and I got married.
Brian and Jenna

Some Photo Ops!


Brian and Maddie Flying a kite

Skull & Crossbones - Nice Kite Jeanette!

Look how high they got it, you can hardly see it!

Our nice LITTLE cozy group.

Then IT happened. Out of nowhere we were invaded by people who live on the other side of the ridge! They came in drones with wine glasses/bottles in hand and many many DOGS! We didn't know what was happening - our quite little retreat, where 19 months ago Brian and I said our vows, was now over run by clinking glasses, mid-west accents, and dogs licking our cake boxes!!!
In all 23 people and countless dogs joined our little party

Jim said it must have been how the Indians felt when the Pilgrims came and invaded their land!

In all a GREAT day, as always, at Jim & Jeanette's House!