Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prom Night!!! Oh My God - Can Brian Really Be Old Enough To Have A Son Going To PROM????

So, Saturday night was B.Y.'s Prom. I can't believe he will be graduating this year!! We went over early to get some pics - boy was that the most entertaining part of my day! This kid is hysterical.

BY.'s friend Kyle was his "chauffeur" for the evening (that's Kyle's hat by the way, not BY's)

NO, Brian is not staning in a hole, no matter what he tells you!

Of course, Fred and Alice came for the picture taking too! They have 3 grandchildren graduating this year, all in different schools, one in a different state, and plan to attend ALL!!

BY and his mom (Kim)

OK, so now for the interesting part. I go to pose with Brian and BY and he puts his arm around
his dad, and his jacket puckers. We want the pics to look good right?????? so I try to pull it down so it doesn't pucker.... POP - the button goes flying across the lawn.
Kyle caught this picture! - Thanks Kyle!

Kim's Boyfriend Porke had to find the end of the thread (after both Alice and Brian tried) _ OH MY GOD, PLEASE FIND THE END OF THE THREAD!!>>!!!

Alice quick throws some stitches in the jacket, and voila - the button is reattached (but I later find out, it doesn't even make it to the prom)

In BY's words "this is my, I can't believe Robyn just popped the button off my jacket face"

All ends well, we got our pic!

BY and Jenna (decided I probably won't be allowed at Jenna's prom after the button incident)

BY, Porke, Kim and Jenna

This was NOT posed! Do you love it??!!

BY paying his driver!! Drive Safe KYLE!!

Talked to BY this morning, he said prom was great!!

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