Sunday, April 24, 2011


Saturday we went to the Otterbeins for Easter! The girls decorated some eggs, so festive. Everyone joined in (to an extent). Marnie was only allowed to watch and play with a plastic egg, next year Marn!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I think this means it's official!

This is the sign in front of our new house!

SOLD! What a beautiful word!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Sweet Sweet Treasure Hunt!

After making my famous kielbasa and Pierogie dinner tonight... Kaelyn surprised me with a treasure hunt she created around the house just for me! 8 clues had me all over the house like "place you relax the most" led me to the bathtub. "place you cuddle with your honey most" led me to my bed, "your ebay spot" led me to my computer "the messiest room in the house" led me to Kaelyn's room (hey at least she is honest, right). The last clue led me to my computer to open up a word document with this letter typed for me: Dear Mommy, I love you sooo much but some times I don’t show it enough. That is why I a writing this. You are a great mom and I can’t ask for more then that. I love it when you feel happy and that makes me feel good so even when I am not around I will still know the feeling of your warm gentle hearted love that I get whenever I am around you. You are the best and I hope you are always the best you try to be. I know you can do great things so believe that you can and you can achieve any goal you set your heart to. I love you and even if you feel I am mad I will always love you no matter what. You are all I could ever ask for in a mom and I would never change a thing about you, you are great just the way you are. Love always, Kaelyn (P.S. this is the last part of the hunt.) ENOUGH SAID - I AM A VERY LUCKY (AND LOVED) MOMMY! P.S. MADDIE HELPED HIDE THE CLUES

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's A Go!!

We got the appraisal back today on the new house.... it came in way over what we needed it to, SOOOOOO it's looks like we better start packing!! We are shooting for a May 2nd Closing!! Yippee!!!