Friday, February 26, 2010

Holy Snow!!!!

WOW!! About 18" or so and still snowing!

Look at the mountains of snow the plows have
left us at the end of our driveways!

At least it's pretty - right?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weathermen are Clueless!!!

Weather report from FOX 5 WEATHER AUTHORITY - Mostly rain until tonight then we get hit with the major storm... Wrong again Mike Woods!!! 10am and our roads are covered!!!


so, last night I made a nice dinner for my family... steak, flavored rice, creamed corn and flaky layer biscuits!! Yum! WELL let me tell you, those biscuits should come with a warning label. The thing literally EXPLODED! Landed on the floor at least 4 feet from the table, even in Maddie's hair. It was hysterical!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Did Everyone Get To See This??????

I don't think everyone got to see this..... Last year sometime, Brian had a little accident at work and came home with a little less of him than he left with!! Look at this pic of his disgusting finger.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are You Kidding Me????

Good thing we are not in the Igloo Fort Construction Business..... this is all that's left!

Happy Valentines Day

So, this is a long weekend from school - President's weekend - the girls have off Friday and Monday, so they get to do their Valentine exchange today. I sent them to go get dressed in "something red" and this is what they came up with.......

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard of 2010 - Snow Day for All!

Snow Day For All - The gallery closed, Pine Bush Schools Closed, Brian Called Into Work - all awaiting the big blizzard of 2010. So at 10am we headed outside for some good old-fashioned playing in the snow. Brian used the snowblower to clean the driveway and attack us with flying snow, then we all worked together to build an igloo/fort. We kind of ran out of snow and decided to go inside (12pm) to warm up and wait for more snow to come..... NO MORE SNOW CAME! No blizzard of 2010 was coming to the burg! So it is now 6pm and Brian and the girls went back out to work on the fort in the dark...... I LOVE SNOW DAYS!!!