Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another Jenack Employee Born!!

It's official - B.Y. Has joined the ranks of Jenack Employees!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Honeymoon! From Jamaica to Jamaica - yeah Mon!

So we are off on our long awaited honeymoon - leaving from Jamaica NY JFK to Montego Bay Jamaica!! FYI - a four hour flight turns into 12 hours of actual travel time.... shoot me!
This was our first experience together in First Class - DID YOU KNOW THEY WARM YOUR NUTS???!!!

Room Service Breakfast from our Patio

The Beach! We didn't even spend one day there!

The one rain storm we got was a "doozie"

This crazy Jamaican is smoking in front of the school (school's not in session now, but come on!)

YES, that is a live 6' snake around our necks!

Never new Jamaica was so mountainous and beautiful!

This day we took a safari through the mountains and viewed old plantations, our tour guide was awesome!


About to Embark on the climb of Dunns River Waterfall

Photo op at the falls

this is one crazy Jamaican

Everyone from work chipped in and got us a candlelight dinner on the beach!! It was amazing

Jamaican Beach Party - The "Rum Punch" was flowin!!

Back In NY

Play this video to hear exactly what we heard during our candlelight beach dinner.

Wedding Reception Celebration - What a Great Day!

What a great day we had, the weather was perfect, the hall was beautiful and the company was great! All seemed to go without a hitch! Thanks to everybody that could make it!

These pictures are in no particular order, nor are they anywhere near all of them, they are just some of the ones I liked the most from the day.

The Happy Couple

Did Brian Shrink?? oh, No.. he's just Standing Next to BY!!!!

Robyn and Her Girls!!

Four Generations of Handsome Yearwood Men
(Grandpa Bill is 94 years old!)

Just Like it was in High School!! This is my favorite Pic of the day!

Bri Bri and Mad mad

Friday, August 7, 2009

What would we do without our "Rainy"

So once again Lorraine Comes to the Rescue!! Decided yesterday that I should decorate the flower pots for my centerpieces instead of just plain pots. Had a great idea in my head, but thank God Lorraine stopped by, because I had no idea how to execute it! Lorraine got out the glue gun and the kiddie scissors (can't find any other ones when you need them) and got to work! We ( I really was there for moral support, oh yeah and I can cut ribbon) worked for about 2 hours and then I had to go to work.....

This is what I came home to..... she finshed them all, except for a few bows because we ran out of ribbon!!!! Where did this angel come from????

The beautiful Finished product!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Official Bushman Cheerleaders!!!

Give Me a "M", Give Me an "O", Give Me a "M".. What's that spell???? The sucker who sits in a buggy field for 2 hours a night four times a week only to have pesky cheers stuck in her head all week long!!

Roller Skating Adventure!!

The girls wanted to go roller skating last weekend, so they donned their rented skates and hit the rink! The first 20 minutes consisted of Kaelyn clung to the railing along the wall and me walking in circles holding Maddie's hand and kind of pulling her along. They both kind of go the hang of it eventually... Good Job Girls! Then we hit the arcade for some "feed big Bertha" Fun Fun Fun